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Quest into Hidden Realms Page 5

  Mana: N/A

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  Player Kills: 0

  Deaths: 0

  "I've been reset to default! What kind of shit is this?" Killum cried. "My VR upgrade just became a character downgrade."

  He noticed a START button and a blue ? flashing. Killum almost chose the help button, just so he could complain. Instead, he concentrated on the START to see if that would resolve his character issue. A cartoonish avatar appeared before him, floating in the air. It kind of reminded him of a cartoon Martian, but with a wizard's hat instead of a helmet.

  "Hello, Edward Kilroy! Welcome to the Hidden Realms. I'm Admin, your virtual assistant in this new world. Shall we get you started on your first adventure?"

  "Yes, but can you answer questions?"

  "Of course. I'm not just a pretty face."

  Killum hesitated. If the Admin was making jokes, then he had to be speaking to a living person. Right? AI weren't smart enough for humor. Right?

  "Okay, Admin, I was playing Realm of Battle with four others. I know one of them preceded me through that, um, portal. Can you tell me if everyone came through, and where the others are right now?"

  "Well, okay, but I'm not authorized to give critical information about other players, like location," Admin said. "But multiple players came through, one after the other, and they are all at their secret Spawn Sites as we speak."

  "Who else came through?"

  "I cannot give names, locations, and actual numbers."

  "What can you give me?"

  "I can give you help in creating your new character," he said. His white-gloved cartoon hands touched the Character icon and a pop-up appeared. It was a perfect likeness of Killum, naked, except for the extreme skinniness, and whiteness. Even his hair was snow white. Then another box popped up in front of that one. "Pick a name, please."

  "How about Killum?"

  "Interesting name," Admin said. "What's it for? Kill 'em all?"

  His name filled the small white box next to NAME, and then became permanent. He noticed the button next to it vanished, taking away his ability to change it easily.

  Admin hit the button for RACE.

  He shrugged. This was not the time to change things up. "Human and battle-mage for Class."

  He noticed the changes in the character's image as he made his choices. Though he remained stark white until he chose "European" under Race. Then the image's skin color turned a normal "white." The pop-up for name, race, and class went away, and Admin flew around him, looking him over.

  "I'm sure you want to make some adjustments to your appearance." The avatar pointed at various +/- around the image of his body. "You can adjust your physical appearance with these. I'm afraid you're stuck with that face, though."

  "Hey! What's wrong with my face?"

  "Nothing, if you're into that kind of look," Admin said, and laughed.

  "You're a real comedian," Killum muttered, and studied his image.

  "You can actually reach out and touch it," Admin said. "That works faster than using just thoughts, though thoughts work too."

  First thing, he noticed his height was listed as 6 feet. Killum tapped that, and found he could scale up to 6 feet 4 inches. Admin advised all races were constrained to certain ranges of height. Then he chose Medium body type, before tapping the +/- for his shoulders to make them as broad as possible, which thickened his upper body and shoulders nicely.

  "What about clothes? I'm not stuck in this tunic forever, am I?"

  "Of course not," Admin said, flying across to the other side of the image. He tapped WARDROBE. "Each race is given a choice of three outfits to begin with. The spawn tunic will also remain in your wardrobe." He indicated Killum's choices. "Pick one."

  First choice was a simple wine red tunic that looked to be linen and hung to about mid-thigh, coupled with blue linen trousers and simple sandals. Both tunic and trousers looked overlarge on the model. Next was a similar outfit, a shirt and trousers of black-dyed leather. He thought it looked a lot like a Ranger's clothes. The last option were dark blue wizard's robes, which he knew some liked but he thought looked too over-the-top.

  "Option 2, I guess," he said. "Though, honestly, I don't like any of the options."

  Admin snapped his fingers, and the soft black leathers appeared on Killum's body and on the image before him. He prayed the choice didn't prove to be too hot in that world, but the robes looked hotter, and the first option would make him look like a peasant farmer.

  Current status:

  Name: Killum

  Race: Human (European)

  Class: Battle-mage (Novice)

  Level: 10 (1% to next level)

  Alignment: Neutral

  Health: 100/100

  Strength: 10/10

  Endurance: 10/10

  Agility: 10

  Mana: 100

  Skills: (Click to View/Hide)

  Possessions: (Click to View/Hide)

  Player Kills: 0

  Deaths: 0

  Killum frowned at his stats. "I have a question, Admin."

  "I have an answer."

  "I see level, alignment, health, strength, endurance, and even agility, but I don't see others that I'm used to seeing," he said. "Like constitution, luck, spirit, intellect, charisma…"

  "Well, honestly, there's nothing we can really do about your intellect, or lack of," Admin said. "This is a grittier, more realistic game we're testing out, Killum. We may add other things in future upgrades, but as it stands this realm of the Game will not pretend you are getting smarter, more clever, or anything. Luck be damned. If you fuck up, you will suffer the consequences. Talent, well that's like intellect, you either have it or you don't. This is your real life, so you are on your own, player. No help from the Game."

  "Well, bless your heart," Killum muttered, giving Admin a withering look. "The Game giveth, and the Game taketh a hell of a lot away."

  "You have no idea, player," Admin said, wagging his brows. "Besides, it was all explained when you asked to come to this realm."

  "What does that mean?" He frowned. The temple prompt just asked if he wanted to enter the Hidden Realms. "I wasn't told anything about this realm."

  "Really? Interesting. Well, you'll figure it out in due time," Admin said. He flew over to an icon on the task bar, a square map. He touched it, and a map of the area appeared before Killum. "I'm going to comp you a little help and a hint, since I see by your online profile you are from Austin, Texas. I'm from Houston, so we're practically brothers. This is the map of the Goblin Run River Valley, where you are located." He indicated Killum's location on the map. Then he flew upriver and pointed at a town labeled "Oxenbluff." "This is the closest town, and I highly recommend going there first. Hint. Hint."

  Killum smiled. That could only mean his friends were heading toward that town.

  "Thank you, little cartoon monkey."

  "Um, wizard."

  They both laughed.

  "Start playing, Killum," Admin said, starting to fade away. "Go forth, sir! Vanquish your enemies! Take their women as your own! Conquer dungeons and kingdoms! Enjoy your newfound immortality! Welcome to the Hidden Realms!"

  Killum stared open-mouthed at empty air. What did that all mean? "Did he really say to take my enemies' women as my own? How gritty is this version of the Game? If word gets out, mothers will be marching on Washington."

  He started toward the river, planning to follow it to Oxenbluff. If he read the map correctly, it could take the better part of the day to reach the town. Once he had the gang together, then they'd figure out a game plan.

  "I think I'm going to like it here."

  Chapter 7

  Asha marveled at the old-growth forest. Those were the biggest trees she'd ever seen, and their thick canopy a hundred feet above cut out most of the sunlight. The forest floor was cool and almost empty of underbrush. At first, she'd worried her skimpy attire would prove inadequate in
protecting her flesh from scratching, tearing underbrush and thorns, but in fact it was only the biting insects she had to worry about.

  Her feet were protected by low calf boots sturdier than she originally thought. The forest floor was carpeted by dead leaves, so her passage was relatively quiet. She heard birds above singing merrily, and small animals scampering around just out of sight. Aside from a few squirrels, a remarkably large hare, and a single spotted doe, she hadn't seen much life in the hour she'd been walking.

  It hadn't taken her long to realize she had a supernatural ability to discern direction. Was that because she was a sorceress? Or did all players have that ability? Whatever the reason, it made it easy to stay on course toward Oxenbluff.

  "What am I going to do if no one else followed me through?"

  She heard it before the creek came into view. As soon as Asha saw the gurgling creek she was hit by intense thirst. That was odd.

  "This improved virtual reality version is actually pretty impressive," she said. So she hurried over to the creek and knelt. The water was cold and clear, and tasted amazing. And it felt wet like water. It felt exactly like real life. Asha drank ten double-handfuls of water. "I didn't realize I needed water so badly."

  She jumped over the creek, careful to not get her new boots wet. The sorceress hadn't taken a dozen steps before a new urge hit her. In the previous version of the Game, she felt a form of hunger and thirst, just not as accurate and as intense as it was in this world. But in the previous version she never had to urinate. She didn't even have the ability to do so, but now she did. And she had to go.

  Going was easy enough. Her "skirt" was really a wide belt with a strip of cloth off the front and a wider one off the back. Yeah, she was commando, and not liking it. Something else to mention when I call the company's headquarters tomorrow.

  Squatting on the trail, she lifted her skirt out of the way and released. Her bladder was a lot fuller than she realized, but it felt so good. Such a relief. And then she heard shuffling off to her left, followed by what could only be a snicker. Her eyes grew big as her face heated up.

  The high elf rose to her feet and glared. "Show yourself, you little perv!"

  A dozen goblins in tattered brown tunics charged out from behind trees and raced towards her. All were carrying five foot stabbing spears, and their green faces were painted in stripes of red and white. The goblins had all pulled their long black hair up into topknots.


  Goblin Warrior (Lvl 7). -2 Dark.

  Goblin Warrior (Lvl 3). Neutral.

  Goblin Warrior (Lvl 9). -3 Dark.

  Goblin Warrior (Lvl 5). Neutral.

  Asha turned away from them and ran for all she was worth.

  She glanced up at the heavens. "You could've given me a sword or bow and arrows! Even a rusty dagger is better than nothing."

  The biggest goblin she'd ever seen in the Game jumped out from behind a massive oak in front of her. The ugly bastard grinned cruelly and thrust his spear at her belly. She noted the spearhead was flint, and the spear's shaft was thick, heavy, and crudely crafted.

  Dukk. Goblin Warrior (Lvl 12). -6 Dark. PK: 3.

  "Hai!" Asha screamed as she leapt into a flying roundhouse. It was one of her signature moves in the Game, but this time she felt awkward pulling it off. Yet, she still managed to connect her foot to the spear just behind the spearhead, knock it aside, and break the spearhead off when it slammed against the tree. "Ha-ha!"

  Confidence flowed through the beautiful elfmaid as she returned to the ground before the goblin. She was only a head taller than the greenish brute, but she grabbed his broken spear with both hands and slammed her knee up between his legs. The goblin warrior's eyes went wide, and then he looked terribly sick as he bent over double.

  Asha yanked the spear away from him, which became a staff without the spearhead.

  She immediately pounded the staff into the back of the goblin's head, laying him out cold. Then she turned and thrust the staff into the face of the first goblin to reach her. His feet went out from under him, as she stepped forward, spinning the staff around, and bringing the end down between his eyes.

  It brought back memories of playing "Kung Fu" with her brothers back in Brighton, using broomsticks for staffs and swords. She'd been really good with a fake staff as a child, and could spin the hell out of them. Looked impressive, anyway.

  "Back off, goblins, I am a mighty – Ooff!"

  Three of the vicious little monsters plowed into her back. They forced her face first into the ground, knocking a lot of the air out of her lungs. Asha gasped for air, swinging her elbows and kicking wildly. She got in a few good hits, but more goblins piled on.

  "Aaagh, you vile vermin! I'll kill you all!" she screamed as her arms were seized and held tight. Then another one stomped down between her shoulder blades. "Uggh!"

  She was dragged up onto her knees, forced to face the big goblin she kneed in the gonads. He still looked rather sick, and didn't walk very well. That didn't stop him from kicking her in the belly. Twice.

  "Hit her again, Dukk!" another goblin said.

  "Elven filth," Dukk growled. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, he yanked Asha's head back and locked eyes with the elf. "You look delicious, elfmaid. I love roasted elf more than anything. Elf meat melts in the mouth."

  "What? You wouldn't dare eat me!"

  He smiled at her, displaying teeth filed to points. "Truss her up. I'm famished. Let's get her back to the village, cleaned, and roasted."

  The goblins bound her wrists, ankles, and knees with rough rope, and then tied her ankles and wrists to a long pole. The pole was hefted up onto the shoulders of a pair of goblins, with her hanging from it. Part of her prayed her friends would show up to rescue her, and another part pray they didn't. It would be so humiliating to be seen like that. Rand would never let her forget it.

  It didn't take long to reach the village. Indeed, Asha realized she was heading straight for it. It kind of ticked her off the village wasn't shown on the map. That was critical information.

  The goblin village consisted of two dozen round thatch huts. There was a small fire smoldering in front of most of them, with a large cook fire in the middle of the village. Asha spotted goblins of every age, from newborns to bent and feeble elders. Most of the villagers rushed to greet the warriors and fawn over the captured elfmaid.

  "We feast tonight!" the big warrior declared. "Meat for everyone!"

  "Wait, Dukk," an old goblin shouted. He was slowly walking towards them with a cane. "The elf is barely big enough to give us each a handful of meat. Why don't we sell her in town? She'll bring enough to buy a horse, and that'll be a lot more meat."

  "True, but then we'd have to wait another day to eat, Elder Pok."

  Pok shook his crooked cane at the warrior. "No one will die of starvation by waiting one day. More meat is better."

  "Elf meat tastes better," Dukk replied.

  "True, but still more is better."

  "Listen to your elder," Asha said. "He's very wise."

  Some goblins moved up close and poked at the elf. They pinched her legs, arms, buttocks as if judging how much meat she had to offer. Asha tried to appear smaller.

  "Elves are strong. We could keep her as a slave," one of them said. "A couple of half-elf warriors wouldn't hurt the village, either."

  "Hey! I'm not a brood mare!" She wondered if the Game could make her virtually pregnant, considered what she'd have to do to get pregnant, and struggled mightily for a moment. "I'd rather be eaten!"

  They ignored her as more elders joined the discussion. Asha realized there were three factions arguing. One wanted to eat her. One wanted to sell her to buy a horse or cow. And the third wanted to keep her as a slave and breed her.

  Finally, a new figure joined them to settle the stalemate. Asha calmed herself, with some effort, and then concentrated on the newcomer, who carried himself like he was royalty.

  Goblin Shaman (Lvl 20). -7 Dark. PK: 1.

  A mob, she thought. Asha studied the NPC as he approached. The shaman wore an elaborate fur and feathers headdress, and a rather nasty looking pelt loincloth. His body was covered in tattoos and ritual scaring. She noted several power fetishes hanging off his body. I can actually feel the magic radiating from him. Very powerful.

  The shaman motioned for everyone to be quiet. He calmly listened to each side's argument, and then walked around Asha a few times.

  "The spirits tell me this elfmaid is dangerous. The longer she lives, the more dangerous she is to us and our village," the shaman said. "Kill her. Eat her."

  "Hey! Why aren't you arguing with him?" Asha asked the surrounding villagers. "You have a right to your opinions. Think of all the meat you'll get from a horse!"

  "Cut her down and hold her still," Dukk said, pulling a very sharp steel knife. "I'll gut this mouthy elfmaid myself."

  "Mouthy?" she cried. "You have no idea how much trouble you are actually in right now."

  Asha's bindings were cut. Two warriors seized her arms, yanked the elf to her feet, and held her between them. Dukk came forward, thumbing the keen-edged knife with a look of satisfaction on his twisted face.

  "Stay back," she said. Asha struggled, desperate to break free. "I'm warning you."

  "I claim her heart," Dukk said. He caught and held her eyes. "I'm going to rip it from your chest, elfmaid, and eat it before your dying eyes."

  "I'm not enjoying the game right now," she muttered, and hurriedly called up her HUD. Where is the exit? I have to exit the game before he kills me.