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Quest into Hidden Realms Page 19

  "Hey now, you got your stupid purse back," Tiana said, eyes locked on that blade. "I got roughed up. So we're even."

  "Kill her, baby," Colleen said. The blonde looked excited, eyes filled with bloodlust. "Carve her face up, and then open her gut."

  Tiana gawked at her. Why would she say something like that? What was wrong with that crazy bitch?

  "It's a shame you're an Immortal," Conrad said, eyes filled with malice. "But this will hurt a lot, and you're going to have nightmares for years to come."

  Oh my god, he's going to do what she wants!

  Conrad cut Tiana's purse off. "Look at me, robbing you."

  "Is that irony?" Colleen asked.

  He paused. "I don't know. I never quite understood what irony was."

  The merchant poured the contents of Tiana's purse into his hand. They all marveled over the how much she had, and laughed at her for losing it so foolishly.

  Then he eyes fell upon Tiana's ring. "Nice ring. Is it enchanted?"

  "No," she said. "Just costume jewelry."

  "Get it for me. Cut her finger off," Conrad said to one of the bodyguards.

  "No!" Tiana cried, lashing out with her feet in all directions. She surprised the bodyguards, and almost broke free. In desperation, she used the magic of the ring for another attempt. "A-ha!"

  The surge of speed equaled considerable physical power, giving her that little extra needed to break free of the bodyguards. Tiana cried out with joy as she kicked Conrad between the legs. She made a play for her purse, but he doubled over it. Colleen attacked, so she backhanded the blonde thief turned slattern, grabbed her wrist, and using another surge of speed and power, spun the blonde around and flung her into the charging bodyguards.

  "Oh, nice," Tiana said, holding up the silver bangle that came off Colleen's wrist. "I won't leave empty-handed after all."

  Tiana raced away, turning up the street and away from the plaza. She didn't want to lead those guys back to her friends.

  "I need to hock this bangle and find my way back to the stable," she muttered as she turned down a side street. There were no sounds of pursuit behind her.

  Congratulations! You've earned enough experience points to move up one level. You are now a Level 16 thief!

  Congratulations! You've earned enough experience points to move up one level in the Skill of Cutpurse. You are now a Level 9!

  Congratulations! You've earned enough experience points to move up one level in the Skill of Hand-to-hand combat. You are now a Level 3!

  "I lost all my money, but leveled up a little more," she said, shaking her head. "All-in-all a sucky morning."

  Chapter 27

  Ollie's Stable took up a good acre within the town walls. It made Killum wonder about the price of real estate. The surrounding structures were all three-story rowhouses. The stable yard was surrounded by a three-rail fence and divided into corrals. The actual stable was a half-timbered building right on the street. Killum led Rand and Fergus through the large door in the middle, with a dozen stalls to either side.

  "Greetings, friends," a grizzled old man called. "I'm Ollie. How may I serve you?"

  Stable owner (Lvl 59). -3 Dark.

  He looked a hundred years old to Killum, with a beard and long stringy hair under a floppy gray hat. He was tall and lean, but a little stooped with age. Yet his eyes were sharp and full of crafty intelligence.

  "We left a pair of mules here yesterday," Killum said. "I think it was Chucky we dealt with."

  "You want me to have them brought out?"

  "Well, first we'd like to see about purchasing four or five horses."

  Ollie's eyes light up. His smile revealed many missing teeth. "Come with me."

  They were led to a spot between two corrals. One held mares, and the other geldings. Each had a single stallion. And the stallions were giving each other the evil eye across the fence.

  "Well, cowboy, you're from Texas," Fergus said. "What should we look for in horses?"

  "How should I know?" Killum replied. "I'm a carpenter. I rode as a child, but it's been a few years. And I've never purchased a horse."

  "Don't worry, my friends," the old horse trader said soothingly. "Ole Ollie is here to help. First thing, if you aren't experienced riders stay away from stallions. You want a nice mare or gelding."

  "What's a gelding?" Rand asked.

  Killum and Fergus grimaced. Ollie lifted a brow, but answered politely.

  "It's a castrated stallion," he said. "It makes him better behaved and easier to control."

  "We should consider gelding Rand," Tiana said as she joined them.

  Killum did a double-take. He knew she'd fallen behind, but her appearance set off his warning bells. Tiana was winded, flushed, and more than a little tousled. Mostly, she looked like she'd just finished a foot race.

  "Ha-ha, you're so funny," Rand said.

  "Are there any differences in price between mares and geldings, Ollie?" Fergus asked, pulling Killum's attention back to the horses.

  "No. Some folks prefer riding mares, some geldings. But demand is high for mounts nowadays," he said. He gave them an apologetic look. "Demand has pushed prices up."

  "What does an average mount go for?" Killum asked.

  "About ten silver," he said. "And that's not counting tack, which I assume you don't have."

  Killum looked at his friends. "Looks like we have to keep walking."

  "Good. Dwarves and horses don't mix well," Rand said.

  "Where are you headed, if you don't mind me asking?"

  Killum glanced at his friends. Rand shrugged. Fergus looked away. Tiana frowned, but then nodded. He lamented that prior to entering the Hidden Realms they didn't hesitate telling anyone their plans. Now everything seemed to have more consequences.

  "We're heading up Forest Road to Warlord's Castle and beyond," Killum said. "I hear the fortress guards the only pass through to the rest of the kingdom."

  "It's the best pass, anyways," Ollie said. "And the only one you can expect to ride through, though the way has gotten treacherous since Duke Seth was deposed. I'd suggest riding mules instead of horses, maybe a smaller donkey for the dwarf."

  Fergus barked a laugh. "He suggested an ass for our jackass."

  Rand screamed and lunged at the ranger. Fergus dodged aside, continuing to taunt his friend. Tiana started laughing, while Rand chased the elf around while shaking his axe at him.

  The stable owner gawked at them. Killum shrugged. "Ignore them. They're in love."

  "What?" Fergus cried.

  "Take that back!" Rand demanded.

  "Admit it, you guys are flirting," Tiana said.

  Rand turned on her, glaring at the redhead. "If you weren't a chick…"

  "What? If I wasn't a chick you'd kiss me?"

  Killum had to put himself between them. Tiana and Fergus were having fun, but he wasn't sure about Rand.

  "Hey! Calm down," Killum said. It wasn't easy keeping that scowl on his face. "You're embarrassing me in front of Master Ollie here. Act your age."

  "He is," Fergus muttered, making Tiana snicker.

  Ollie had their two mules brought out to the street in front of the stable. After some discussion, they offered to sell one of them to Ollie. The trader looked both mules over, and then made an offer.

  "I'll give you five silver shekels for this fellow and his tack," he said. "Four and a half for the other."

  They quickly agreed to sell the first mule and divided the money between the four of them. Asha was killed before they encountered the brigands, so by their group's rules the sorceress didn't earn a cut.

  After packing all of their gear into the panniers on their remaining mule, Killum led them back to the plaza. It was decided the Three-legged Dragon Tavern was the place Asha would check first, and it had a small yard in back to secure their mule.

  The Three-legged Dragon was a two-story structure with a slate roof. It was all stone with a large common room on the ground floor. The owner's large family oc
cupied the top floor, so no rooms were available to rent.

  "Welcome," a tall, attractive brunette called upon their arrival.

  Sofia. Human taverner (Lvl 22). Neutral.

  "We'll sit out here," Fergus said. "Four beers, please."

  There were fifteen bistro tables in front of the tavern. The early morning sun felt good, but the crowd and livestock were kicking up more than a little dust. Killum liked it, though, because it gave them a good view of the comings and goings through the gate.

  "We should've left the mule at the stable," Fergus said after their beers were delivered. "I can't imagine Asha coming all this way so fast."

  "She'll make Oxenbluff easy enough," Tiana said. "It all depends on if she stayed overnight in Oxenbluff, or pressed on and camped out on the road."

  Killum felt uneasy. What no one wanted to mention as the danger involved, especially for a single woman on the road. Asha was tough, and a fierce fighter, but if she crossed paths with brigands like they had, well…

  "Maybe we should head back down Forest Road," he said. "With all of the brigands and Dread Ones running around, I'd feel much better meeting her halfway."

  "Aww, that's so sweet of you," Asha said.

  All four of them jolted upright in their seats, and gawked up at the grinning sorceress.

  "How about that?" she said. "I don't need magic to be stealthy and sneak up on you guys."

  "Asha!" Killum cried, leaping to his feet. He swept her up in his arms… And kissed her. "You made it back!"

  Chapter 28

  The sorceress just gawked open-mouthed. He kissed her. Killum had never kissed her before. Why did he do that? Did he care about her? Did he want a relationship?

  Asha's mind whirled a mile a minute. She pushed him back a step, rubbing her tingling lips together. Her own reaction was just as confusing as his.

  Tiana wasn't helping by smirking at her like that.

  "Is there religion here?" she asked, looking around.

  That confused everyone, but for some reason she wanted to know who would officiate at a marriage. Not that she planned to marry Killum, or anyone else. It was just that one kiss, after all.

  She glanced at his lips, and then his broad shoulders. Tingles rippled across her skin, and deep into her belly. Asha bit her lip and averted her eyes, desperate to rein in her thoughts and emotions.

  "I guess," Killum replied. "There's so many people wearing robes, it's hard to tell if anyone is a priest." He stared off into space. "I don't recall seeing any churches or temples."

  "There was a columned Greek style temple in Oxenbluff, across from the town castle," Rand said. "The temple wasn't particularly impressive, and I didn't inquire who was worshipped there. Why do you ask?"

  "No reason," she said, noticing Tiana shaking her head woefully.

  The men looked at her expectantly, and then Fergus' eyes looked past her. Asha lifted the reins.

  "I have a horse. Maybe we can buy the rest of you horses, too."

  "We just looked into that," Killum said. "Horses are too expensive, but we have a mule to carry supplies and gear."

  She weighed the purse hanging off her belt. After her little adventure in Oxenbluff, she came away with thirteen and a half silver shekels, and over a hundred coppers. If her friends hadn't spent her purse left behind upon her last death, then she had another silver and seventy-five copper shekels.

  "I have money. How much are horses here?" she asked. "They ran around five silver shekels in Oxenbluff."

  "It's double that here," Tiana said, and grimaced. "I had quite a bit of money from all of my efforts, but I was robbed this morning."

  The way the men gave the redhead sharp looks said they didn't know anything about that. Asha sighed. They did not have anywhere close to enough money to buy four more mounts, so she asked them where she could sell her horse.

  Asha didn't protest when Rand and Fergus wanted to stay and finish their beers. She was more than a little thirsty, so ordered a beer. When Sofia brought out her mug, she engaged the tavern owner in polite talk for a moment before broaching a more sensitive subject.

  "I was attacked on the road by evil men," Asha said. "So I came into possession of some objects of Dark power." Sofia's eyes widened. "Is there somewhere in town I can sell such objects? Being a follower of the Light, I am uncomfortable having them in my possession."

  "I understand, milady," Sofia said. "There are two places that buy Dark things. One is Lady Korz's shop over by the River Gate. I would advise against visiting her, since she has a bad reputation. And she's a drow sorceress. Very powerful. But Sir Danse is over by the North Gate, at the corner of Forest Street and Silk Alley. He's a Dark mage, but seems to be honest enough."

  "Sir Danse it is," she said. "Thank you, Sofia."

  They took the horse and mule back to Ollie's Stable. Asha spent a good half hour haggling with the old man. He put up a good fight, but when she discovered his weakness it was all over. Of course, a pretty girl is every man's weakness.

  "Lord have mercy," Killum said as they walked away. "You certainly know how to amp up the sex appeal, don't you?"

  She shrugged, but it was terribly embarrassing having her friends witness her behaving so scandalously. Indeed, she'd previously avoided it while playing Realm of Battle. But the Game had turned into her real life.

  "It's a blessing and a curse," she said. "But men are easy."

  "I resemble that remark," Rand protested with a leer. "I'll haggle with you any day, Asha."

  When asked for directions, Ollie said to follow the street to the center of town. There was a plaza between the Baron's castle and the Grand Temple of Olar. Forest Street connected on the north side of the plaza and that ran all the way to the North Gate. He'd never heard of Sir Danse, but said Silk Alley did cross Forest.

  They made good progress through the narrow, dusty streets. It was difficult staying on the right street, because it frequently forked with no indication which street was which. Locals were always happy to help. So they eventually arrived in the center of Knaresburg.

  The plaza was pretty large. It was cobbled with multicolored stone, done in an elaborate design. There was a marble fountain in the middle of a naked man in a chariot, a spear held above his head. It was impossible to tell if he was a hero or a god.

  A soaring castle sat on the west side of the plaza, with a pretty large white marble temple on the east. The temple resembled something out of Greek or Roman history, with tall fluted columns. It was circular with a polished copper roof. Men and women in bright white robes gathered with commoners all around it, appearing to council or pray. Asha saw money exchanging hands, and all of it was going to the priests and priestesses.

  Rand looked upon the priests with distaste. "We found god and his greedy servants."

  The priests were all shaved bald, with red and yellow stripes painted across their cheeks. One of them held an ornate silver and crystal staff, and had an eye drawn on his forehead in red, with a yellow center. Asha studied him.

  Josar. Human High Priest of Olar (Lvl 78). Neutral.

  Indeed, all of the priests and priestesses were aligned Neutral. The fact they were taking money to help the people bothered her, but that was pretty much how it had been for most of history. So she turned her attention to the castle.

  You've been offered Quest to Conquer Knaresburg Castle! Death and danger are assured, but the rewards are power and wealth. Do you accept this quest? Yes or No?

  The castle guards were watching her. Could they tell that prompt appeared? She wasn't trying to call it up, and had no desire to tackle such a formidable dungeon. Not yet, anyway.

  "No!" she said, and the prompt left. She looked at the temple.

  You've been offered Quest to Conquer Temple of Olar! Death and danger are assured, and you could lose your Immortal soul, but the rewards are magical power and wealth. Do you accept this quest? Yes or No?

  "No," she said, and the prompt vanished. "Both the castle and temple are dungeons,
but I don't want to test either one of them at this time."

  The others paused to study them. After a moment they nodded. Even Rand, who hated passing by any dungeon unchallenged, nodded agreement.

  The High Priest stepped forward, staring at Asha. Actually, he was frowning. It took her a moment to realize it was the Staff of Dark Dominion that concerned him. So she took the lead and headed toward the northern side of the plaza, eager to get as much distance between her and all of those priests.

  There were twelve streets that ended at the plaza. As promised, the locals didn't hesitate in pointing them in the right direction. Before long they were at the intersection of Forest and Silk Alley. Three half-timbered structures and a stone tower occupied the corners.

  "We'll find Sir Danse in the tower," Killum said. "I see magic guarding the door and every window. It looks like powerful magic, too."

  Asha just nodded. "Is it a dungeon?"


  There was a large brass dragon head knocker. Killum used it to send a god-awful booming through the tower, yet there was no response. So Rand pounded on the door with his helmet until it opened.

  "What is the matter with you?" the tall, dark, and quite handsome man demanded. He was dressed in silken robes and turban like a Hollywood sheik, with piercing brown eyes and a pointed beard. "Go away or I'll turn you into a one-legged monkey."

  Sir Danse. Human battle-mage (Lvl 51). -15 Dark. PK: 3.

  Despite discovering he was one of the most powerful minions of Dark she'd encountered, Asha managed to keep the smile on her face. Her job experience at the United Nations definitely helped her accomplish that.