Quest into Hidden Realms Read online

Page 17

  Asha found herself standing alone, with no one between her and the open door. Only she had no weapons or magic. So she turned on her captors instead of running away. Kicking Krakus in the back of the knee, she sent him crashing to the floor. Then she grabbed Joss's hair and yanked the witch straight back into the wall. When Joss bounced off the wall, looking surprised, Asha sent a brutal roundhouse into the side of the witch's head.

  The witch fell back against the wall, giving Asha the chance to twist the short sword out of her grasp. Next, she turned on Deidra and quickly removed the ranger's collar.

  "Thanks," Deidra said, and promptly twisted the sword out of Asha's hand. She leapt at Krakus' back, thrusting the sword through his heart. "Die! You all will die!"

  Joss started struggling to her feet at that time, so Asha charged the witch. The two of them traded punches and kicks, before Joss pulled the Dagger of Wrath and thrust at her heart.

  Asha blocked the blade with her left arm, receiving a painful cut. She responded by pounding the butt of her hand into Joss's nose. That blow left the witch disoriented, allowing her to take the dagger away. A second later the Dagger of Wrath was buried in Joss' heart.

  Krakus was starting to fade away in Immortal death, so the sorceress darted over to take one of the curved swords strapped across his back. She immediately attacked the Dark wizard.

  "Rudolf, I'm going to kill you a thousand times!"

  She tried to decapitate, but he held out his left hand. A silver ring with a purple stone glowed. Her blade struck an invisible barrier, which glowed purple upon impact. She scowled at the magic shield. Then he swung the Staff of Dark Dominion around with his other hand, a look of triumph spreading across his face. The ring stopped glowing.

  Asha threw the sword.

  Rudolf gasped, and then fell to his knees with an incredulous look. The sword pierced his throat, obviously slicing through the carotid artery from the amount of blood flowing. Asha stepped forward and pulled the evil staff from his grasp, before yanking the sword out. Blood spurted, forcing her to jump back.

  Rudolf died for the second time by her hand in as many days.

  "Good riddance," she said, looking around. The brothel owner, his workers, and his slaves were backed against the wall, held at bay by Deidra. Coop, Krakus, and Joss were all as dead as Rudolf. Asha caught Mikus' eyes. "This is what you get for dealing with the minions of Dark."

  Asha quickly collected all of the purses, plus took Rudolf's ring. Both Rudolf and Joss had Mana Restoring potions that she took. All four dead surrendered healing potions, one of which Asha immediately drank.

  Deidra kept the short sword. She also took a bow and arrows, before she slowly backed toward the door. Asha followed her example, backing toward the open door.

  "I'm an elven ranger, so can kill a fly on an apple at a hundred paces," Deidra said with menace. "Remember that before you run out the door calling for the Watch."

  With that, they turned and raced out the door. Deidra headed for the main gate, which Asha really didn't want to pass through again so quickly. The guards might remember them as slaves, and try to stop their escape. But the ranger turned down a side street and ran straight to a stable.

  A pair of stablehands had just finished saddling two horses, a gray and a blonde. Deidra literally leapt over the rump of the gray and into the saddle. Asha had to use the stirrup to mount the other horse. They yanked the reins free of the hitching posts, and turned the mighty steeds toward the gate as the stablehands shouted angrily.

  "Horse thieves!"

  "I bet they hang horse thieves around here," Asha said.

  "No, beheading is their preferred method of execution," Deidra said. "Ride like the wind!"

  The crowd didn't so much part for them as rush in and try to stop them. Asha didn't understand why they cared, but she kicked the horse to greater efforts while slashing left and right with her swords. And then they raced through the gate and away.

  Moments after passing through the shantytown, Asha's prompts started popping up.

  Congratulations! You have won the Staff of Dark Dominion! Capture your enemies and make them your minions. Must be -5 Dark and level 20 or higher to use.

  Congratulations! You have won the Shield Ring! Protects against attacks mundane and magical. It costs one mana point per minute to use.

  Congratulations! You've learned the Beastmaster skill of Equestrian!

  Congratulations! You've earned 2 Player Kills and won a Dark Object of Power, thus taking you to Neutral!

  "At least I didn't go Dark again," Asha said.

  Deidra glanced at her, eyes glazing over a second. "Yes. That would be unfortunate. What are you going to do with that Dark Object? I can take it to be destroyed."

  "Destroyed? No. It's worth a lot of money," Asha said, reining her mount to a stop on a hill overlooking the farmlands. They paused to see if there was any pursuit. "And I really need that money." She held up four purses. "Speaking of, you want to stop and divide up the loot?"

  No one was coming out of the gate. Then Asha noticed the portcullis was down. It might take a while to get that back up.

  "Keep it," Deidra said. "I'm part of a Community, so money is never an issue for me. I'll just keep the horse, bow, and sword." She gave the town a wary look when the portcullis began to rise and a bell started to toll. "I think they plan to give chase. Let's get out of here."

  "Thank god for fresh mounts," Asha said as they kicked their horses into a run again. "Head for the Forest Road. My friends are waiting for me in Knaresburg."

  Chapter 24

  The Raging Bull's common room was empty save for the table with an elven ranger, human thief, and dwarven warrior. And another with a pair of mobs sipping morning beers. The battle-mage stepped off the stairs as they all turned to regard him.

  "Wow. You're alive and don't look crippled," Fergus said. "And, by the way, no one appreciates that shit eating grin on your face."

  "You're just jealous," Killum said. He glanced at the open door, a cool breeze coming through it. "Shouldn't one of us be outside watching for Asha?"

  "I hired three urchins to keep an eye out for her," Fergus said. "I promised them each a silver bit if they bring her to us."

  A serving wench asked if he wanted breakfast, and then hurried into the kitchen to fetch it. Killum wore his black warrior's leathers, but carried his arms and armor. He dumped it all in a pile next to the wall behind the table and next to everyone else's piles.

  "I want to be disgusted with you," Tiana said. "But you look so damn happy."

  "So, talk," Rand said. "I've never been with an ork babe. What was it like?"

  "Like any woman," he said. "Except she is a level 100 bedroom acrobat or something. Wow." He paused, glanced at Tiana uncertainly. "I don't want to offend Tiana or be too crude, but in this realm sex is magical. Literally. Even guys can do it over and over and over again."

  "We can?" Fergus said.

  The elf and dwarf looked eagerly at Tiana. She flushed red. "Don't look at me, you stupid dogs. I'm a woman. I could already do it over and over again." She lowered her voice, leaning in. "Besides, I asked another player last night, and I can get pregnant and have babies in this realm."

  Killum just stared at her a long moment. That hadn't occurred to him. Leave it to a woman to seek out the facts before committing herself to the act.

  "This realm is a real game changer," Rand said. "Do they have birth control pills here?"

  "No," the serving wench said. She made them all jump. The blonde beauty set a wooden platter down before Killum, filled with cold cuts, cheese, and freshly baked bread, before continuing. "But birth control spells and talismans are pretty cheap. Both men and women can buy and use them."

  She was a pretty blonde, with big green eyes and a body to die for. Killum was amazed at how attractive the vast majority of the population actually was, at least among the characters that traditionally were objects of male fantasy. All serving wenches were hot babes.
br />   Alisara. Human warrior (Lvl 26). +9 Light. PK: 4.

  "You're a player," Killum blurted out.

  "And I started out as a warrior," she said with an embarrassed shrug. "Now, I'm a serving wench of easy virtue."

  Tiana looked concerned. "You're still a level 26 warrior. Why are you working here and selling your body?"

  The serving wench looked a little offended. But she was the one that mentioned "easy virtue" after all. Killum worried she'd leave and refuse to speak with them, but she finally frowned and shrugged.

  "I was working as a mercenary for the Warlord. Lord Seth is, or was, the Duke of Highcliff, Warlord of the Southern Reaches, and Governor of Malvurn Province. He is still trying to regain his lost castle, titles, and lands. Four deaths in battle made me stop and take this job," Alisara said. "That was six months ago. I guess I kind of got used to the job, and being manhandled a lot. I can't afford to buy any weapons or gear to go on adventures, and honestly this job has sucked me in. It's relatively easy and safe. I haven't been killed once since taking it."

  Killum shared a concerned look with Fergus. Tiana looked super uncomfortable, while even Rand was struggling to comprehend. They understood her predicament, and Killum wondered if he could be made to give up and take a mundane job like any other everyday mob.

  "Is there some significance to four deaths?" Killum asked. "I've been killed once, and I understand why no one wants to be killed. It's not just annoying and inconvenient, but actually horrific."

  Alisara looked sick for a moment. "My last death was from an enchanted blade that sent me to Purgatory for a full month." She paused, looking them over. The battle-mage's stomach clenched, and he felt a little sick. "You're new to this world, right?" They nodded. "Ah, then you don't know that there is an escalating penalty for dying. You are tormented for fifteen seconds by demons for your first five deaths in ninety days, but after that the time of torment increases. Deaths six through ten in ninety days are thirty seconds, and then it goes to one minute, two minutes, five minutes with each death, and so on. And then there are the cursed blades and evil spells that can send you to Purgatory for a day, week, month, or year."

  "Well that sucks greasy donkey balls," Rand said. "I haven't been killed yet, but from what Killum and Asha say, it's pure hell."

  Killum considered that, wondering how many times Asha has died. At least twice now. She needed to know so she could be more careful. Alisara then explained that after ninety days the deaths came off the counter. Then something else she said registered.

  "Wait a minute, you worked for the Warlord of Warlord's Castle fame?" he asked. She nodded. "Then you can tell us about the castle."

  Alisara laughed. "I've attacked the castle, but never made it inside. Lord Seth lost the castle long before I crossed over to this realm. Hell, Lord Seth is a mob, so he probably 'lost' it before the Game started up." She paused. "Though, Lord Kathro is an Immortal."

  "Is he a necromancer?" Rand asked.

  "Yes, Lord Kathro is a necromancer," she said. "But he has magic beyond raising the dead and controlling them. He throws thunderbolts like a god." Alisara caught and held Killum's eyes. "But it's his sword you have to really avoid. That blade sent me to Purgatory for a month of terror where all of my worst nightmares were acted out."

  The serving wench started to leave to wait on another customer that entered. Killum caught her arm.

  "One last question," he said. "Do you know of a dungeon, or any other way, to return back to the previous realm and our real lives?"

  "There are rumors, but nothing specific," she said. Alisara pried her arm loose, giving him a dirty look. "Warlord's Castle is not a way home. That's only a sure way to Purgatory."

  One of the mobs across the room left, giving Killum's table a covert look. The battle-mage noticed, so watched him to ensure the man didn't steal any of his weapons or gear. The remaining mob looked even more unsavory, but seemed to be lost in her beer.

  "Maybe we should take this elsewhere," Killum said. "Let's settle up and go see about selling the mules. If the mules bring us enough money, maybe we can buy some horses and cut the time to Warlord's Castle in half."

  "Cut in half?" Tiana cried. "Jesus, you don't know much about horses, do you? This is all rough terrain, so horses won't add a lot of distance per day. They might help us to not be so tired at the end of a long day, but I think at best we'd gain another five or ten miles a day. And that's just if the horses are in good physical shape and used to long journeys."

  "She's right," Fergus said. "This Game is very realistic on so many things, so I don't think they'll give us a break with horses."

  "Let's get armored up and go see," he said.

  Rand argued about wearing armor. It was hot and uncomfortable. Killum ended the argument with, "Fine. Leave all of your expensive arms and armor here. We'll see if any of it is still here when we get back."

  That decided it. There were no locks on the doors. No way to secure anything. So they helped each other put on armor, buckle sword belts, and otherwise prepare to leave. Just as they finished and were enjoying a last morning beer, more men filed through the front door.

  Big, grim men in battered armor lined up before them. One of them, though, wore brightly polished armor. He was tall and handsome, and kind of resembled a human version of Fergus with his long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. But he was an NPC, as were all of his men-at-arms.

  "I am Lord Seth. Duke of Highcliff," their leader declared, glaring at Killum's table. "I've been told you hooligans seek to take my castle and fief as your own."

  "Hooligans?" Tiana asked.

  "Word gets around fast," Rand mumbled.

  Killum thought of the mob that departed right after they spoke so openly with Alisara. He resolved to be more careful in the future. At the moment, though, he had other problems. Lord Seth and his men outnumbered them two to one. And the warriors were one and all a lot bigger and meaner looking.

  "There must be some mistake," Killum said. "We're adventurers asking about any and all dungeons in the area. We aren't, as you say, hooligans seeking to take anyone's castle and keep it as our own. We're rolling stones. Settling down to rule a castle would be boring."

  "It would prove worse than boring, boy," Lord Seth sneered. "I would prove your undoing. Warlord's Castle is mine, and only mine. I demand you all swear an oath you will never go there except under my banner, or try to conquer it for any reason."

  "Hell no," Rand cried. He shook his battle-axe at the arrogant lord. "Where our path takes us is our own business, Lord Seth. And from what I've heard, you aren't man enough to win it back anyway. That castle, and its treasure, is up for grabs."

  Eight swords scraped out of scabbards. Lord Seth dropped into a fighting position, and his men followed his example.

  "Rand, you have a way with words," Tiana said. "Such a charmer."

  "Talking's for sissies," Rand said. "Men fight!"

  "Does that mean I can sit this one out?" Tiana asked.

  "No," Killum said, pulling his Power Sword. With a thought, power flowed into the sword and it began to glow red. Lord Seth gave the blade a wary look. "This is your last chance, Lord Seth. Back off and leave, or suffer the consequences."

  "It will be you four that suffer on the ends of our blades!"

  Fergus shrugged, lifting his left arm. "We're Immortals. You're not."

  A shining white bow appeared in his hand. Then a shining white arrow appeared in his right hand, which he immediately prepared to shoot. Tiana pulled her sword and stepped up beside Killum.

  "Last chance," Killum said.

  Lord Seth turned red. Killum's Magical Sight saw nothing glowing in any of their possessions. That didn't mean one of them wasn't a mage of some sort. Still, Killum wasn't sure four newbs in that realm could defeat twice their number of seasoned soldiers. Their magic helped, but no fight had been all that easy so far.

  Killum quickly reviewed his available spells. Fireballs would scatter them, but it would al
so light the inn on fire, too. Burning down the Raging Bull would not be a good thing, and might get him tossed in jail. And Lord Seth's threat to kill them worried him a lot more after speaking with Alisara.

  Throwing his left hand out, "Be blinded!"

  Lord Seth and his men gasped, many reaching for their eyes. Killum looked for a back door, but the innkeep slammed the kitchen door and barred it on the other side. There was no escape that way. There had to be a way out of there without fighting Lord Seth.

  "Kill them all!" Rand cried, charging the temporarily blinded men.

  The battle-mage tried to stop him, but the dwarven warrior was too fast. Even Tiana attacked. The nobleman and his men charged forward, swinging their swords despite being unable to see. Rand cut down one man-at-arms, while Tiana gut-stuck another. Fergus began peppering them with arrows.

  "Don't kill them!" Killum cried. "They're nobles!"

  Too late. Fergus accumulated five kills with five arrows. Rand and Tiana each claimed a kill, too. But Lord Seth shook off the blindness quickly, and smashed Rand's axe aside. He was thrusting at the dwarf's heart when Killum lunged forward, parried his blade, and sliced open the nobleman's throat with his backstroke.

  "Oh shit," Killum said. "What are the chances we can get away with killing a nobleman and his bodyguards without getting hanged?"

  "Loot them, and then let's get out of here," Tiana said. "We can meet Asha on the road into town."

  They had just enough time to cut off the eight dead men's purses when a squad of soldiers marched through the front door. The battle-mage counted fifteen men, all heavily armed and armored. Their officer stepped forward, looking the bloody scene over as he shook his head.

  He looked up at Killum. "Are you the leader?"

  "I guess," he said.

  "Who started it?"

  "They did," Tiana said. "Killum tried really hard to avoid a fight."