Quest into Hidden Realms Read online

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  Rand's jaw dropped. She never kissed him, and he'd hit on her a hundred times just in the last month.

  Women! he thought. He looked Ole Sleepy-eye over critically. And I'm taller and younger than him, too.

  Tiana collected their payment. She divided up the money, and even let them keep the purses she gave them to get through the gate. So with what he got off the witch, Tiana's gift purse, and the five shekels, he had a grand total of… Twenty-two shekels, all copper.

  "I hope I have enough to get drunk," Rand muttered. "Let's find the inn closest to the main gate. If Asha's here, that'll be where she'll be waiting."

  Chapter 14

  Morning came early. The breeze coming in the open window was chilly, but the mouth-watering smell of baking bread rode the wind. Asha sat up and stretched, yawning wide. After knuckling sleep from her eyes, she swung her legs over the side and contemplated another half hour of shuteye.

  Then she remembered the warning that Rudolf would be back at sunrise, as soon as the gate opened for the day. The drowsy elfmaid checked her HUD, but there was no clock. She scowled in the dark, before standing up and looking around.

  "I'll have to ask Tilly where I can get a bath," she muttered, staring at the jug of cold water on the table. "I wonder if that water is safe to drink?"

  She decided better safe than sorry, so pulled up her stats. The sorceress opened Possessions, and then Wardrobe. Asha slept in what the wardrobe referred to as her "spawn tunic." It was skimpier than her RL pajamas, but better than sleeping nude. So she concentrated on her "elven sorceress dress" and felt a change against her skin.

  "Better." Asha knew the sexy attire was only appropriate in a role-playing game, but she was beginning to like it. She'd always chosen sexy characters to play. It certainly afforded her a lot of longing looks and double-takes in that virtual reality game. "Now to sell my loot and look for the others."

  The Robes of Concealment was not listed in her Wardrobe, so she checked Magical, and found it listed under Staff of Dark Dominion. And that made her look at her Alignment of -1 Dark. She hadn't found at way to cache them, but knew a way existed. Rudolf called the staff up with a snap of the fingers.

  Everything she'd won the previous day lay on the table. She tied the purse to her sword belt, after counting how much she had – 3 silver and 41 copper shekels after paying for her room and board and adding the contents of Rudolf's purse to hers. The sound of footsteps out in the hallway made her quickly pick up the rest of her stuff.

  Out in the hallway, she noticed several men and women were heading for the stairs. All were dressed like they worked in shops, or performed some kind of manual labor.

  Not sure why that surprises me, Asha thought as she headed down the steep stairs. They don't normally rent by the night, but by the week and month to locals. Actually, they shouldn't call this a pub, but an inn.

  The common room was bustling. Residents were eating their morning meal, and a few locals had come over for breakfast as well. Tilly motioned her to an open spot at a long table, sitting her between a street sweeper and a clerk. The street sweeper had at least a little ork blood in him, and the clerk was regaling her fellows with tales of her previous night of debauchery with a pair of elven traders.

  All of the patrons at the moment were mobs.

  "Hello, beautiful," the street sweeper said, giving her an appreciative look over. "Where have you been all of my life?"

  She wanted to reply with "Killing orks," but that might be too rude. Since she had to live in this world for the time being, it was probably best to get along with the denizens of the realm. Besides, the mobs couldn't read her name, race, and class, and Jarl had warned her about elfmaids having a promiscuous reputation.

  "Out adventuring," she said.

  "Looks like it," he said. He looked at her ebony staff, and then the sword riding her hip. "What are you? Some kind of battle-mage?"

  Asha thought of Killum, wondering where he was at that moment. If anyone followed her into that realm, it would be him.

  "Just a sorceress ready, willing, and more than capable of defending herself," Asha said, as she took her place on the long bench. "A girl can't be too careful out and about in the world."

  "Rudolf tried to subjugate her last night," some guy down the table spoke up. "And she put an end to him real fast. It was great."

  Everyone else looked at her with a lot more respect and speculation. From their expressions, she didn't think any of them really liked Rudolf.

  Tilly placed a plate with cold cuts, cheese, and half of a baguette in front of her. A moment later Naws arrived with her mug of what they called "morning beer." Asha discovered she was a lot hungrier than she thought, devouring the cold cuts right away. The baguette, something she frequently ate in the real world, was still warm. It was also a lot crustier, and the insides rougher than she was used to. But, and it was a big but, that was the best bread she'd ever eaten. The goat cheese stank something awful, but was also delicious. Even the morning beer somehow seemed perfect.

  "So, does anyone here work on Witchers Alley?"

  A tall, skinny, middle-aged man at the end lifted his hand. She smiled at him, seeing him relax a little. Smiles were wonderful things.

  "I'm Asha," she said. "I have a Dark Object of Power I'd like to sell." Everyone at the table looked at the Staff of Dark Dominion that leaned against the table between her and the street sweeper. "Who would you recommend I see first?"

  "The only one buying Dark magic objects is Master Tyrlian," the man said. He pointed. "His shop is the one painted purple and green, about halfway down Witchers Alley in that direction."

  After breakfast, Asha headed for the door with about a dozen others. She told Naws she might be back that night, but probably not, and thanked him for his hospitality. He seemed genuinely pleased. Maybe others didn't find the need to thank him often enough.

  "Oh, Asha, I almost forgot," he said, waving her over to the side. "I heard some strangers stayed the night at Madam Elise's Inn down by the main gate. There was a dwarf, elf, and human woman with red hair. I don't know if they are the ones you seek."

  "Thank you. I'll go check them out after I sell a few things," she said.

  Asha headed down Witchers Alley. Most of the shops were already open, and the sun wasn't even up yet. She spotted the street sweeper from the pub hard at work, and at least two others from her table setting up outdoor displays. All of the shops appeared to be magically related, from magic bookshops, to clothiers specializing in enchanted garments, to shops selling talismans, etc.

  One thing she noticed different than the night before. Everyone gave her a wide berth. It took a moment to realize it was the Staff of Dark Dominion. It radiated menace. And it was an outward sign that she was a spellcaster, and maybe dangerous.

  "I'm still selling it," she muttered, giving it the side-eye as she stopped before a small shop, with a single floor above. The roof was wood shingles, which was so rare in town it stood out even to her. "Here it is."

  The purple and green shop had a placard over the door with: Master Tyrlian's Magical Creations.

  She looked in the lone window, seeing a display of small ceramic containers. Each held a swallow of potion. The potion it held was written upon each tiny jug-shaped container. She frowned, because in the previous realm the potions came in smaller, easier to carry glass vials. Those little jugs might be small, but they were a lot bulkier.

  "Good morning, young sorceress," a tall, slim man in purple wizard's robes said from the doorway. He had arrow straight, long snow white hair and no facial hair. Despite the white hair, he looked to be about twenty years old. His outfit reminded Asha of that annoying, juvenile Admin. Not a good first impression, but she smiled at him. "I am Master Tyrlian. How may I serve you?"

  Tyrlian. Half-elf human wizard (Lvl 56). +2 Light. PK: 4.

  Questionable taste in clothes aside, Tyrlian was the most experienced, if not the most powerful, wizard Asha had met so far. That was good, since
it meant his talismans and potions would be more potent, too.

  "Good morning, Master Tyrlian. I am Asha," she said. She indicated the staff with her eyes. "I have something you might be interested in purchasing."

  "Isn't that Rudolf's Staff of Dark Dominion?"

  "It was until he attacked me," she said. "Now he's off being respawned while I'm back here selling it."

  Master Tyrlian shook his head, but laughed. "That boy is too hot-headed for his own good." He winked at Asha. "This will be the third time I bought it from someone that killed him. So, he'll be back to buy it again."

  Asha relaxed. Master Tyrlian knew the drill. He was playing the game just like the rest of them, so there wouldn't be any trouble.

  She followed him inside and placed the staff on a trestle table. Master Tyrlian examined it a moment, before nodding acceptance. They haggled over the price a moment, before Asha promised she'd be spending a good portion of her profits in his shop, which she hoped got her a better price. Once they agreed upon three silver and twenty-five copper shekels, she went over to the potion display. She spent a full silver shekel on healing and mana restoring potions. In fact, he promised his mana potions would increase her mana significantly and quicker than the listed ten minute cooldown period.

  Mana Restore Potion. Will restore 25 mana points. Cooldown: 10 minutes. Can be used once an hour.

  So she bought five more, and drank one. Her mana began ticking up.

  Asha walked over to a display of knives and daggers. "What is the enchantment on that Elven dagger?"

  It was long and curved, with a bejeweled hilt. The purple rhinestones spoke to her, that being her favorite color. And it would match her outfit.

  "Excellent choice, Lady Sorceress," he said. "That is the Dagger of Wrath. Any Immortal killed by it won't respawn for a full month. Very powerful."

  Dagger of Wrath. A Bound object. Sends victim to Purgatory for one month.

  "How much?"

  "Two silver."

  She vacillated, wanting it, but not eager to pay so much. The sorceress even thought about selling the Robes of Concealment to buy it, but in the end just sucked it up and paid for the enchanted dagger.

  A jolt of coldness rippled through her when Asha wrapped her hand around it.


  Master Tyrlian chuckled. "I guess that is your first Bound weapon. It'll stay with you if you're killed. It's yours until you sell or gift it to someone."

  They settled up. She'd spent almost all of the money she'd gotten from selling the staff, which explained Master Tyrlian's pleased expression as he counted out the money she still had coming.

  "Is the exchange rate in this realm the same as the previous?"

  "Yes," he said. "One hundred copper shekels buys a silver, and ten silver buys a gold. But the value of gems is based on local supply and demand."

  Asha thanked the wizard and headed back towards the Crooked Staff Pub. It sat on the corner of the street going back to the main gate. Madam Elise's Inn was near the gate, with her friends inside. She got all tingly with excitement.

  And then she saw the shop sign and did a double-take. "Spells'R'Us? Really?"

  There was no way she could walk past a shop with that name. So, grinning, she entered the dark, cool shop. A gorgeous blonde sat at a desk in back, writing by candlelight. The sorceress checked her out as the shop owner turned to regard her with a smile.

  Lady Isadora. Human witch (Lvl 31). +27 Light.

  "Hello, milady," Lady Isadora said. "How may I serve you today?"

  "Hello. What kind of spells R us selling today?"

  They laughed. Isadora pulled her thick braid forward as she approached. Her thin gown was the most beautiful shade of blue, and Asha was surprised to see she wore stilettos. Not something she saw much of in the Game.

  "I have a highly cultivated Skill in Spell Writing, milady."

  "Not to mention being a level 100 fashionista," Asha said, admiring her look. The witch blushed, looking flattered. "But I'm here to shop for spells."

  "All of my spells are exceptional, but I'm afraid most will require you to level up before you can buy and use them. Did you just pass over today?"

  "Yesterday." She looked around eagerly. "Do you have any fire and fireball spells a level 12 sorceress can cast?"

  Lady Isadora brightened. "Yes."

  Asha was led to a handwritten chart on the wall. It listed spells, in alphabetical order. The spells were listed in five columns, each column requiring a different spellcaster level. Asha grimaced when she saw the second column was for level 20 and above. So she turned her attention to the Level 10 and above list.

  "Do all players start at level 10?"

  The witch nodded. "Yes. Mobs start at 1, and rise as they grow older. Most are 5 when they reach adulthood."

  The other VR realm was barely three months old, so this more advanced realm had to be newer. Asha looked Lady Isadora over, wondering how the advanced players she'd encountered had leveled up so high and fast.

  "How long have you been here?"

  "Here? In Oxenbluff or the Game?"

  "This realm."

  Lady Isadora thought about it a moment. "I was one of the first to join the Beta Test, and opted to stay afterwards. So a little over two years."

  "You've been stuck in the Game for over two years?"

  "No, about eight months. I could exit during Beta testing, but had to choose to go permanent."

  "Then there really isn't any way to exit the Game now that I've passed over to this realm?"

  "None that I know about," Lady Isadora said. She shrugged. "There are always rumors of secret dungeons with a portal to other realms, or even to exit the Game. But once you pass through such a portal, then you aren't seen or heard from again. How do we really know where you went?"

  Asha hadn't thought about that. Going through a secret dungeon's portal got her there. She wasn't sure she wanted to try her luck again.

  "What about our bodies in the real world? Did we die in real life upon entering this realm?"

  The witch cringed. "Probably. When I came over permanently, they said our bodies would pass away a few days afterwards, or whenever someone disconnected our body from the Game, whichever came first. Like everyone else, I had a terminal illness. So your real body is probably still alive, but not for much longer."

  Asha bit her lip and rolled her eyes. It was just getting worse and worse. She knew a moment of panic, but then felt a coolness flow through her and her nerves calmed.

  "The Game just calmed you down, didn't it?" Lady Isadora asked. She smiled. "It won't let us fret too much on being trapped here. The designers thought of everything."

  "I know. I was actually eaten alive by mosquitoes yesterday."

  "I have spells to protect you from biting insects," the witch said. Then more seriously, "Did you come over to this realm accidently?"

  "I guess. My friends and I challenged a secret dungeon outside of Uhrs, and all we found was a black altar that sent us through to what it called the Hidden Realms," she said. "We never imagined we could be trapped forever inside the game. Indeed, I suspect a lot of people will go to jail once the authorities find out about this."

  Isadora sighed gustily. "They hide and guard those dungeons so only the players who chose to go permanent, and fill out the proper paperwork, can find them and pass through. Obviously their security measures are inadequate. Far too many are finding their way here."

  "Inadequate is an understatement."

  Asha turned her attention back to the list of spells. The prices looked a little steep, but a sorceress needed spells; otherwise, she was just another grunt grinding away at the Game.

  "I'll take the fireballs for twenty-five shekels."

  Lady Isadora handed her a piece of paper after Asha paid. The sorceress read the spell, and the paper vaporized in a puff of smoke. Then she bought another spell for five shekels that allowed her to start a fire with a snap of her fingers. Again, the written spell went up in s
moke the second she finished reading it.

  "These spells are bound to me, right?"

  "Absolutely," she said. "They are yours forever."

  Asha studied the list some more and noticed one that brought a smile to her face. It was a spell Killum used in the previous realm. "I'll take Slow as Molasses for ten."

  After buying a levitating spell that helped her hover 30 seconds, she closed her purse. Lady Isadora had bought one of her two remaining her silver coins, so the sorceress only had one silver and thirty copper shekels left.

  Congratulations! You've earned enough experience points to move up one level. You are now a Level 13 sorceress!

  Asha paused to check her stats. She smiled to see the changes, especially the extra and unexpected mana. The change in alignment after selling the staff was expected, but appreciated. But her strength, endurance, and agility numbers increased, and she wasn't sure if that just happened or they were ticking up and she hadn't noticed.

  Current status:

  Name: Asha

  Race: High Elf (Desert Tribes)

  Class: Sorceress (Novice)

  Level: 13 (4% to next level)

  Alignment: +3 Light

  Health: 100/100

  Strength: 20/20

  Endurance: 30/30

  Agility: 15

  Mana: 175

  Skills: (Click to View/Hide)

  Social skills:

  Bartering (Lvl 2).

  Battle skills: